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Friday, February 5, 2010

The Most Important Suit You'll Never Wear?

I've heard about these, they were all the rage after 9/11, but unless you work above the 75th floor you're SOL. It's the silicone-coated Apache wingsuit and UC-3 BASE jumping rig. I have the feeling that they look a lot cooler when you are soaring through the air with the wind beneath your wings. Still when I saw this shot from Wired I thought it worth posting... who hasn't dreamed about soaring through the sky of Metropolis like Superman? 


Credit: Wired

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sun CEO Tweets Resignation

Jonathan Schwartz is now the former CEO of Sun Microsystems after he tweeted “Financial crisis/Stalled too many customers/CEO no more,” This after the company was acquired by Oracle and Oracle’s chief executive, Larry Ellison, publicly saying that he hoped that Schwartz would resign rather than play any role in the combined company. Schwartz was the first fortune 200 CEO to blog and is apparently the first to resign via Twitter.

As for his future Schwartz reportedly said “In the short run, I’m planning to spend some long overdue time with my family. Longer run, with a few million businesses and a few billion consumers on the Web, rumor has it there are some interesting opportunities to be had.”

I'll bet he's right!

Source: The New York Times Bits Blog

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Twitter Accounts At Risk From File-sharing Scam

Twitter users are apparently at risk of having their accounts hacked if they frequent certain torrent sites. From what I can gather, the site owners have been sitting in wait, collecting users login information and then using these same username / password / e-mail address combos to attempt access to popular third party sights, Twitter included. According to Twitter Status "This information was then used to attempt to gain access to third party sites like Twitter.  We haven’t identified all of the forums involved (nor is it likely that we’ll be able to, since we don’t have any connection with them), but as a general rule, if you’ve signed up for a torrent forum or torrent site built by a third party, you should probably change your password there."

The big message here is that you need to have unique passwords for the various sites that you frequent. I totally understand the desire to use a consistent user name, but at the very least you need to change your password! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Coolest Experiments Offered Up By Google Labs

Okay, so I'm putting on the Google fanboy t shirt again and directing you to Network World where Kaila Colbin points out a bunch of cool things that are currently available via Google Labs. Kaila has composed a top ten list of favorite experiments with which I mostly agree. However, as she points out we cannot forget the experiments that have graduated to the mainstream such as Google Alerts, Google Desktop, Google Docs, Google Maps, and I would add Google Earth. Of the 10 I have to say that Skymap for Android and Google Goggles are my favs.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Geting The Most Game Out Of Your Phone

The Wired How-To Wiki provides some handy hints for gaming on your mobile phone, the regular old un-smart kind. Covered are searching for games, downloading, and playing. Because the site is a Wiki, you can also contribute your 2 cents worth, if you have a tip or two that you'd like to share. Just goes to show that you don't have to drop $600 to have a good, that just didn't come out right but you know what I'm getting at. As for me, I'll find my games in the Android Marketplace.

Check out the How-To Wiki.

