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Friday, September 10, 2010

Where I Work In Plain English

Five months ago, almost  to the day, I started work at ScreenScape Networks a relatively young company that was in expansion mode. The previous several years of my working life had taken it's toll on me both mentally and physically and ScreenScape was an exciting new opportunity that I embraced with great enthusiasm. I was introduced to the company founder, Mark Hemphill, through a mutual friend and from the moment I began talking to Mark and the rest of the folks at ScreenScape I knew there was something special going on here.

I did my due diligence, played with a free Test Drive account, spoke to people working here, and to customers of the company around town. Mark, I'm sure, did his due diligence as well and the rest as they say is history. I have not for a moment regretted the move, and I embrace each and every day with the knowledge that something wonderful is happening here. The days fly by and our team is constantly improving upon an already incredible product, this is the most productive team that I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Don't get me wrong, I've worked with hundreds of good people, and a handful of great people, but talented people alone can not make up for bureaucracy, communication issues, questionable management policies, and other productivity zapping corporate practices... but I digress.

Recently ScreenScape had the following video produced and it does an incredible job of explaining what it is that we are so diligently working on. Check it out, and if you see the merits in what we are producing check us out... knowing that there is an extremely motivated, awesome team, behind every line of code.

ps. I write this entirely of my own volition.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Google Instant - Exciting New Search Upgrade

Let me start by apologizing to you all in advance. I only have but a moment to post and I wanted to get this news out, in case you haven't already read it somewhere else. Google has made some great refinements to search in Google Instant. Check out the Official Google Blog for details or watch this quick video...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

TrackDropper For Android - Putting The Booty Back Into Piracy

Think of how exciting it must have been back in the swash buckling days of yore when pirates sought riches and buried their treasure in chests, with maps marked with X's. arrrgh!

Today pirates are much less scary, mostly geeks who choose to acquire their audio files in less than acceptable ways, at least according to the real pirates who run the music industry. If the thrill of a potential lawsuit is not enough for ye thrill seekers there is a new way of looting your music. Trackdropper is an Android app that lets users "drop" songs in physical locations. Then, other users of the application can go on a treasure hunt to find and play the dropped songs. The goal is to make music piracy much more like old-fashioned nautical piracy. Here's how it works, courtesy of one of it's coders Yves Raimond:

Source: cnet

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heart Attack Does Not Stop Twitter User From Tweeting - Addicted Maybe?

Tommy Christopher, a writer for wasn't going to let a little thing like a heart attack stop his tweeting habit. "I gotta be me. Livetweeting my heart attack. Beat that!" he typed.  Followed by:

"Paramedics think I will live. Gonna get a cardiac cat. Jeez, I'm old. This is depressing,"
"This is not like the movies. Most deadpan heart attack evar," he wrote. 
"Still hurts even after the morphine."
I thought that I was a bit obsessed with twitter, my posts aren't that frequent but I check the site frequently. I will however curb my obsession in the event of pending doom.

No word on Christopher's current condition...

Thanks to @ColinMaria for putting me onto this story.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Perceived Security Threat Has Indian Government Concerned About RIM, Google, And Skype

With all of the concerns recently expressed by Middle Eastern nations about the Blackberry and it's use by spies and terrorists, India has added Google and Skype to the discussions by asking the companies to set up servers in India and allow access to web data, citing fears that the voip services could be misused by militants. Though Google has said it has not been contacted.

"India’s Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said RIM had begun giving India access to its secure data from Wednesday.

“Discussions for technical solutions for further access are continuing and the matter will be reviewed within 60 days,” Chidambaram said in a statement."

A Google spokeswoman based in India said: “We have not received any communication on this issue from the government. If and when we do, we will review and respond.”

According to The Globe and Mail.

