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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Man Delivers Baby With Aid Of YouTube

Marc Stephens and his wife Jo had planned to have their forth child at home with the aid of a midwife but when Jo woke with contractions and the midwife was too busy to attend the Stephens' were told to call an ambulance. While waiting for the paramedics Marc, an engineer, decided to turn to turn to YouTube for assistance just in case. As it turned out the baby arrived before help and Marc used his newly acquired skills to deliver the couples first son, Gabriel.

"The videos gave me peace of mind. I think I would have coped, but watching videos made things much easier." said Mr Stephens. "This is our fourth child now and while for our first I spent most of the time at my wife's head, now I'm not afraid to go down to the business end."

BBC news (video)

