A study conducted by German sports psychologists at the University of Munster, and reported in New Scientist magazine has concluded that athletes who wear red score 10 per cent more in any competition than if they were in another colour. "If one competitor is strong and the other weak, it won't change the outcome of the fight," said Norbert Hagemann, who led the study. "But the closer the levels, the easier it is for the colour to tip the scale." In the study "the researchers showed video clips of taekwondo bouts to 42 experienced referees. One combatant wore blue, the other red. They then showed them the same clips but digitally manipulated the clothing to swap the colours. The fighters wearing red were given an average of 13 per cent more points than when they were blue."
Interestingly another study conducted in 2004 by Durham University scientists showed that 55% of Olympic combat sports were won by the competitor in red. I wonder if the same is true in video games?
Source: Telegraph.co.uk
Interestingly another study conducted in 2004 by Durham University scientists showed that 55% of Olympic combat sports were won by the competitor in red. I wonder if the same is true in video games?
Source: Telegraph.co.uk