IDC Research has released its' list of the top ten smartphones in the U.S. for the second quarter of '09. The list includess 4 BlackBerry devices and 2 iPhones:
- BlackBerry Curve (83xx series and 8900)
- Apple iPhone 3GS (both 16GB and 32GB versions)
- BlackBerry Pearl (81xx series not including the Pearl Flip)
- Apple iPhone 3G (8GB and 16GB versions)
- BlackBerry Bold
- BlackBerry Storm
- T-Mobile G1
- Palm Pre
- HTC Touch Pro
- HTC Touch Diamond
The top ten list broken down by smartphone platform:
- BlackBerry- 4
- Windows Mobile- 2
- iPhone- 2
- WebOS (Pre)- 1
- Android- 1
I expect the Androids to come on strong for Q4 with dozens of new phones promised.