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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Apple Calls Surprise Press Conference 15/07/2010

While they won't say what the topic will be, Apple has called a surprise press conference for today and much speculation is they'll be addressing the iPhone 4 antenna issue. Maybe Steve Jobs will give a personal "how to hold the iPhone 4" demonstration or perhaps they'll simply introduce the illusive white version :)

In any case the public is getting their "knickers in a knot" over this, deservedly or not, and Apple has to do some damage control. Some industry analysts however believe that this is the chink in Apple's armor that competitors have been waiting for and the hype is being inflated in an attempt to discredit the Apple name. 

"Apple is probably one of the most important brands of the last 50 years," said Olivier Blanchard, president of Brand Builder Marketing.

"They are rock stars in that sense and I believe that this fiasco with the iPhone 4 is an excuse to attack a company that is becoming such a giant. Five years ago when they were the underdog this would have been a non issue," Mr Blanchard told BBC News. (I suspect he was wearing his "I <3 Steve" boxers at the time.)

